MadMaze-II plays almost exactly like the original the only down side is that it requires Internet Explorer to play.

It’s been online since 2001, but I just stumbled across it recently and thought I’d share it with you. Thanks to the hard work of Russ Brown, nostalgiaphiles like me can relive their glory days with MadMaze-II, a meticulous recreation of the original MadMaze game on the web via HTML. And one of the best applications of this rarely used, bandwidth- friendly graphics protocol was Eric Goldberg and Greg Costikyan‘s very popular Prodigy adventure game, MadMaze. Many of you probably know of Prodigy, a pre-“popular Internet” era commercial dial-up online service that utilized copious amounts of NAPLPS graphics in its client interface. Overall, I was mostly underwhelmed with the service and my subscription didn’t last long, but there was one thing I really liked about it: the games. One hour (and one father’s credit card charge) later, I was online. On Christmas 1992, I finally got my wish: an orange cardboard box emblazoned with a blue star appeared under the Christmas tree. I loved BBSes and wanted to try Prodigy so badly.

When I was but a wee lad, I begged my father to sign me up for Prodigy.